Scheduled Repairs
Normal through-flow for repairs are scheduled based on FIFO (first In First Out) principle. After receiving the repair order, we confirm the schedule for the repair and if unit testing requires any special attention or special arrangements.
Exchange Repair Service
Our Lab often receives units for which we already have working replacements. In these cases, we can offer our clients a simple exchange service that allows them to get back in working order without waiting for a repair.
Emergency Repair Service
Critical repairs are designated with the highest urgency. These units may arrive at our repair facility by express delivery or via a plant engineer. Our personnel will examine the unit and immediately define the various repair options we can offer. In some lucky cases, repairs require only a few hours and the unit can be returned on the same day. Our Labs service emergencies frequently; and it is our hope that our customers can prevent downtime in the future by stocking up on some critical spare parts.